Meredith McQuerry, PhD

Meredith McQuerry, PhD
Carol E. Avery Associate Professor
Director, ThermaNOLE Comfort Lab®
Director, Textile Testing Laboratory
Faculty Affiliate, FSU Institute for Sports Sciences and Medicine
Meredith McQuerry – Vitae (PDF)
ACADEMIC SPECIALTY: Functional Protective Clothing Development and Testing Performance
B.S. Merchandising, Apparel, and Textiles, University of Kentucky
B.S. Family and Consumer Sciences Education, University of Kentucky
M.S. Textile Science, University of Kentucky
Ph.D. Textile Technology Management, North Carolina State University
Clothing Comfort Physiology
Personal Protective Clothing
Quality Assurance and Textile Testing
Product Development
Grant Writing
Ergonomic Mobility
Anthropometric Measurement
Dr. Meredith McQuerry is the Carol E. Avery Associate Professor in the Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship where she directs both the ThermaNOLE Comfort Lab®, Textile Testing Laboratory, and co-directs the Body Scanning Lab. Dr. McQuerry received her Ph.D. in Textile Technology Management from the Wilson College of Textiles at North Carolina State University in the Textile Protection and Comfort Center (TPACC). McQuerry’s research uses the functional design process to engineer better performing protective clothing for first responders, military personnel, health care workers, and athletes; improving end user physiological comfort, ergonomic mobility, and fit. She uses virtual modeling and human wear trials to assess the effect of clothing on human performance during physical activity, collaborating as an affiliate faculty member in the FSU Institute of Sports Sciences and Medicine (ISSM). Her achievements in research and teaching have been recognized through multiple awards including the international 2024 ITAA Mid-Career Excellence Award, the 2024 UK Horizon Award for Early Career Achievement, the 2021 Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship Research Award, and numerous best papers in international journals (2022 Fire Technology, 2020 RJTA, and 2016 AATCC JOR).
Dr. McQuerry is well known for her expertise in clothing comfort physiology, quality assurance, product development, and textile testing. She has received nearly $4 Million in federal, private, and government funding to support her research including $250K to assess wearable technology in subarctic conditions for warfighter operations and $450K from private industry to develop firefighting PPE and medical textiles with enhanced mobility and heat stress relief. Most recently, she was awarded $2 Million from FEMA to improve the design, comfort, and mobility of female firefighting PPC, creating the first and largest anthropometric database of U.S. female firefighters. This work has been published in multiple journals including an invited special issue and featured in the NFPA Journal, the Australian Country Fire Authority, podcasts, and PBS Nova.
Check out the NFPA webinar here!
In addition, Dr. McQuerry has given invited presentations to the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and the International Association of Fire Fighters. She has also been invited to serve on the editorial board of multiple journals including the AATCC Journal of Research for which she is an Associate Editor.
Dr. McQuerry has received more than $1M in curriculum and equipment grants to further her teaching. She teaches CTE 5444 Advancements in Textile Technologies and CTE 5445 Quality Assurance Assessment at the graduate level. She has also taught CTE 1401 Introduction to Textile Science and CTE 4443 Product Evaluation at the undergraduate level. Dr. McQuerry has received international and university teaching awards including the ITAA Rutherford Teaching Challenge Award, FSU Undergraduate Teaching Award nomination, and “thank-a-professor” recipient. She has built a diverse, interdisciplinary research team bringing together women in STEM from across disciplines and backgrounds. She strives to create a positive, welcoming, and encouraging research environment for her students, receiving the 2018 FSU Undergraduate Research Mentor award. To date, she has mentored more than 50 students and $10,000 in student-led grant projects during her eight years at FSU .
Her service to the profession and industry has also been recognized, receiving the 2019 AATCC Future Leaders Award. She serves as a voting member on ASTM D13 and F23 committees and on task groups for multiple National Fire Protection Association standards. Her work on female firefighter anthropometrics is contributing to the development of the first female flash fire manikin standard. Most recently, she was nominated and elected to serve as a Member at Large of the ITAA Nominating Committee. She serves as an invited external grant reviewer for FEMA, NIOSH, and NSERC. Dr. McQuerry has also consulted for 3M, NBC/Universal Studios, MagCorp, Cotton Incorporated, and a number of law firms as an expert witness on product development and patent infringement cases.
ThermaNOLE Comfort Lab®
Textile Testing Lab
Body Scanning Lab
2024 |
Recipient of the 2024 Mid-Career Excellence Award, International Textile and Apparel Association |
2024 |
Recipient of the 2024 Horizon Award for Early Career Achievement, University of Kentucky |
2022 |
Editor’s Choice Best Paper Award, Fire Technology Journal |
2021 |
Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship Research Award, Florida State University |
2020 |
Literati Award, Highly Commended Paper, Emerald Publishing |
2019 |
AATCC Future Leaders Award, American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC) ($1,000) |
2018 |
Undergraduate Research Mentor Award, Florida State University ($2,000) |
2016 |
J.W. Weaver Paper of the Year Award, AATCC Journal of Research |
2015 |
Sara Douglas Fellowship for Professional Promise, International Textile and Apparel Association |
McQuerry, M. (PI) (5/6/2024-11/5/2025). Physiological Performance Analysis of Heated Garments for Warfighters under Arctic Conditions. Congressionally Directed Funding (Army). ($180,890).
McQuerry, M. (PI) & Kwon, C. (Co-PI). (9/20/2023-9/19/2026). Development of Novel Personal Protective Clothing Designs for Structural and Wildland Female Firefighters. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), FY 2022 Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program. (Total: $1,539,374).
McQuerry, M. (PI) (7/1/2022-7/1/2023). Dynamic Heat Flux Analysis of Heated Garments for Warfighters under Arctic Conditions. U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Environmental Medicine (USARIEM). ($61,500).
McQuerry, M. (PI) & Kwon, C. (Co-PI). (9/18/2019-12/17/2022). Investigation of design, comfort, and mobility issues for female firefighter personal protective clothing. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), FY 2018 Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program. (Total: $403,632).
McQuerry, M. (PI) (7/1/2020-7/31/2022). Wear assessment of novel mask for COVID-19 and other illness prevention. [PRIVATE] Face Covering Research Grant Program. ($34,814).
McQuerry, M. (PI), Schofield, S. (Co-PI), & Ormsbee, M. (Co-PI) (1/2019-12/2023). Development of a new turnout suit design for reduced heat stress and physiological strain. [PRIVATE] Firefighter Research Grant Program. RF03023. (Total: $145,723).
McQuerry, M. (PI) & Ormsbee, M. (Co-PI). (2/2018-12/2019). Physiological comfort assessment of a novel lightweight turnout composite. [PRIVATE] Firefighter Research Grant Program. RF02919. (Total: $149,964).
McQuerry, M. (PI), Schofield S. (Co-PI), Ormsbee, M. (Faculty Investigator). (1/2017-12/2023). Development of novel turnout suit pattern for improved mobility and comfort. [PRIVATE] Firefighter Turnout Research Grant Program. RF02824. (Total: $94,603).
McQuerry, M. (PI) (1/1/2023-12/31/2023). Enhancing apparel product development: A survey and analysis of cotton performance technologies. 2023 Cotton Incorporated Cotton in the Curriculum Program. ($32,471).
Easter, E. (PI) & McQuerry, M. (Co-PI) (1/1/2020-6/1/2020). Product development and evaluation of TOUGH COTTON technology. 2020 Cotton Incorporated Cotton in the Curriculum Program. (Total: $20,294).
(*graduate student; **undergraduate student)
Invited Refereed Journal Articles:
McQuerry, M. & Schofield, S. (2023). Structural firefighter personal protective clothing user needs in the US: a mobility perspective. Emergency Management Science and Technology. 3(15), 1-9, DOI: 10.48130/EMST-2023-0015
McQuerry, M., Kwon, C., & Poley-Bogan, M.* (2023). Female firefighters’ increased risk of occupational exposure due to ill-fitting personal protective clothing. Frontiers in Materials Polymeric and Composite Materials; Special Issue: Challenges and Emerging Issues on Firefighter’s Toxic Chemical Exposure: Smoke Chemicals, Contaminated PPE, and Off-gassing. 10, 1-10, DOI: 10.3389/fmats.2023.1175559 (Impact: 3.985)
McQuerry, M. & Nixon, V.* (2021). Thermal comfort and performance evaluation of high-end versus popular dupe athleticwear leggings. Journal of Textile Science and Fashion Technology, 9(1), 1-7, DOI: 10.33552/JTSFT.2021.09.000703 (Impact: 0.549)
McQuerry, M. (2020). Wildland firefighting and wearable technology: a review. Journal of Textile Engineering Fashion Technology, 1(2), 1-5.
McQuerry, M. (2019). A review of ballistic, slash, and stab protection for integration in first responder personal protective clothing. Journal of Textile Science and Fashion Technology, 2(1), 1-5, DOI: 10.33552/JTSFT.2019.02.000527 (Impact: 0.357)
Refereed Journal Articles:
Riedy, R.*, McQuerry, M., & Schofield, S. (2024). Relationship between firefighter protective clothing design ease and heat stress. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology.
McQuerry, M. & Dodson, A. (2024). An antimicrobial zinc ion fiber for COVID-19 prevention in nonwoven face coverings for healthcare settings. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 21(4), 1-8, DOI: 10.1080/15459624.2024.2310675
McQuerry, M. & Grzywacz, J.G. (2023). Thermal comfort assessment of active cooling technology for agricultural end use: a field study. Journal of Textile Engineering & Fashion Technology, 9(1), 14-19, DOI: 10.15406/jteft.2023.09.00327
Riedy, R.* & McQuerry, M. (2023). Thermal comfort analysis of auto-racing suits using a sweating thermal manikin. Journal of Industrial Textiles, 53, 1-16, DOI: 10.1177/15280837221150649
Sokolowski, S., Marks, M., Park, H., Griffin, L., & McQuerry, M., (2022). Visual, volumetric and anthropometric measurements comparisons between boot interior and 3d foot scans to improve firefighters safety. Interdisciplinary Practice in Industrial Design, AHFE International, 48, 91-99, DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1002020
Jo, J.*, Sokolowski, S., McQuerry, M., Griffin, L. & Park, H. (2022). Firefighters’ feet: differences by sex and weight-bearing. Applied Ergonomics, 102, DOI: 10.1016/j.apergo.2022.103753
McQuerry, M. & Easter, E. (2022). Wildland firefighting personal protective clothing cleaning practices in the United States. Fire Technology, 58(3), 1667-1688, DOI: 10.1007/s10694-021-01212-z [Editor’s Choice Best Paper Award, Fire Technology Journal]
Morrissey, M.*, Casa, D., Brewer, G., Adams, W., Hosokawa, Y., Benjamin, C., Grundstein, A., Hostler, D., McDermott, B., McQuerry, M., Stearns, R., Filep, E., DeGroot, D., Fulcher, J., Flouris, A., Jacklitsch, B., Jardine, J., Lopez, R., McCarthy, R., Pitisladis, Y., Pryor, R., Schlader, Z., Smith, C., Smith, D., Spector, J., Vanos, J., Williams, W.J., Vargas, N., & Yeargin, S. (2021). Heat safety in the workplace: modified delphi consensus to establish strategies and resources at the organizational level to protect U.S. workers. GeoHealth, 5(8), 1-32, DOI: 10.1029/2021GH000443
McQuerry, M., Easter, E., & Cao, A.** (2021). Disposable versus reusable medical gowns: a performance comparison. American Journal of Infection Control, 49(5), 563-570, DOI: 10.1016/j.ajic.2020.10.013
Riedy, R.* & McQuerry, M. (2021). Serviceability assessment of a printed finish on t-shirts. AATCC Journal of Research, 8(2), 48-53, DOI: 10.14504/ajr.8.2.6
Riedy, R.* & McQuerry, M. (2020). Development of a phase change material (PCM) measurement methodology for fabric surface quantification. Journal of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management, 11(4), 1-11.
McQuerry, M., Morrissey, M.*, Kisiolek, J.*, Gipson, S.*, & Ormsbee, M. (2020). Effect of a lightweight structural firefighter turnout composite on physiological comfort. Performance of Protective Clothing and Equipment: 11th Volume, Innovative Solutions to Evolving Challenges, ASTM STP1624, pp.176-203, DOI:10.1520/STP162420190083
McQuerry, M. (2020). A survey of structural firefighter station wear in the United States. Fire Technology, 56(3), 1287-1313, DOI: 10.1007/s10694-019-00930-9 (Impact 2.239)
McQuerry, M. (2020). Effect of structural turnout suit fit on female versus male firefighter range of motion. Applied Ergonomics, 82, DOI: 10.1016/j.apergo.2019.102974
McQuerry, M., Kwon, C, & Johnson, H**. (2019). A critical review of female firefighter protective clothing and equipment workplace challenges. Research Journal of Textile and Apparel, 23(2), 94-110, DOI: 10.1108/RJTA-01-2019-0002 [Emerald Literati Award, Highly Commended Paper]
McQuerry, M., DenHartog, E., & Barker, R. (2018). Analysis of air gap volume in structural firefighter turnout constructions in relation to heat loss. Textile Research Journal, 88(21), 2475-2484, DOI: 10.1177/0040517517723024
McQuerry, M., DenHartog, E., & Barker, R. (2018). Impact of reinforcements on heat stress in structural firefighter turnout suits. Journal of the Textile Institute, 109(10), 1367-1373, DOI: 10.1080/00405000.2018.1423881
McQuerry, M. & Hogans, K.* (2018). Assessment of ventilated athletic uniforms for improved thermal comfort. AATCC Journal of Research, 5(5), 1-8, DOI: 10.14504/ajr.5.5.1
McQuerry, M., Barker, R., & DenHartog, E. (2018). Functional design of structural firefighter turnout suits for improved thermal comfort: thermal manikin and physiological modeling evaluation. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 36(3), 165-179, DOI: 10.1177/0887302X18757348
McQuerry, M., Barker, R., & DenHartog, E. (2018). Relationship between novel design modifications and heat stress relief in structural firefighters’ protective clothing. Applied Ergonomics, 70, 260-268, DOI: 10.1016/j.apergo.2018.03.004
McQuerry, M. (2018). Validation of a clothing heat transfer model in non-isothermal test conditions. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 46(1), 1-7, DOI: 10.1520/JTE20170073
McQuerry, M., DenHartog, E., & Barker, R. (2017). Effect of self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) on heat loss in structural firefighter turnout suits. AATCC Journal of Research, 4(5), 1-5, DOI: 10.14504/ajr.4.5.1.
McQuerry, M., DenHartog, E., & Barker, R. (2017). Evaluating turnout composite layering strategies for reducing thermal burden in structural firefighter protective clothing systems. Textile Research Journal. 87(10), 1217-1225, DOI: 10.1177/0040517516651101.
McQuerry, M., Barker, R., DenHartog, E., & Hummel, A. (2016). Alternative methodologies for determining the impact of clothing ventilation in structural firefighter turnout suits. Performance of Protective Clothing and Equipment: 10th Volume, Risk Reduction through Research and Testing, ASTM STP1593, pp. 313-330, DOI: 10.1520/STP159320160003.
McQuerry, M., DenHartog, E., & Barker, R. (2016). Garment ventilation strategies for improving heat loss in structural firefighter clothing ensembles. AATCC Journal of Research, 3(3), 9-14, DOI: 10.14504/ajr.3.3.2. [AATCC J. W. Weaver Paper of the Year Award]
McQuerry, M., DenHartog, E., Barker, R., & Ross, K. (2016). A review of garment ventilation strategies for structural firefighter protective clothing. Textile Research Journal, 86(7), 727-742, DOI: 10.1177/0040517515595029.
McQuerry, M., Klausing, S., Cotterill, D., & Easter, E. (2015). A post-use evaluation of turnout gear using NFPA 1971 standard on protective ensembles for structural fire fighting and NFPA 1851 on selection, care and maintenance. Fire Technology, 51(5), 1149-1166, DOI: 10.1007/s10694-014-0446-x.
Juried Exhibitions:
Schofield, S. & McQuerry, M. (contracted; 2019). Functional Performance [Juried Exhibition]. Professional Category, Las Vegas, NV: International Textile and Apparel Association. (51% acceptance).
Published Reports:
Xu, X., McQuerry, M., Poley-Bogan, M., Jacques, J., Rioux, T., Gonzalez, J., & Hoyt, R. (2023). Evaluation of three cold weather ensembles with a heated base layer at -20°C using a thermal manikin with dynamic heat flux sensors. U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine (USARIEM) Technical Report T23-009
Xu, X., McQuerry, M., Poley-Bogan, M., Rioux, T., Gonzalez, J., & Hoyt, R. (2023). Thermal properties of three cold weather ensembles and an unpowered heated base layer ensemble. U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine (USARIEM) Technical Report T23-004
McQuerry, M., Riedy, R.**, & Garringer, B.** (2018). Evaluation of the performance of station wear worn under a NFPA 1971 structural firefighter protective ensemble. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Fire Protection Research Foundation (FPRF).